
A thousand ships natalie haynes
A thousand ships natalie haynes

The next story takes place in the Greek camp where captive Trojan women are being held captive as they wait to find out what will happen to them as trophies of war. In the story, Calliope tells the bard about how Cruesa attempted to escape Troy, which was burning. The first story that Calliope tells the bard is that of Cruesa, the wife of Trojan war hero Aeneas.

a thousand ships natalie haynes

Calliope is initially reticent to speak with the bard, but she eventually gives in and tells the bard the story of the Trojan war through the eyes of many women who were involved in it. Haynes’ novel starts with the bard asking Calliope for a new epic poem that he could write. The novel is set over many years, tells the stories of many people, and draws upon the works of Homer, Virgil, and Ovid. Together, the two discuss the true meaning of war and how it impacts everyone involved (especially women). Calliope, a muse of epic poetry, is the narrator of the novel, which is framed as a conversation between Callope and an old bard. Natalie Haynes' A Thousand Ships tells the story of the Trojan War from the eyes of 25 women both mortal and immortal. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

a thousand ships natalie haynes

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.

A thousand ships natalie haynes