
Wolfsong klune
Wolfsong klune

wolfsong klune

Klune novel and it definitely won’t be my last. But now, he’s a man and Ox can no longer ignore the song that howls between them. Joe chased the monster away and left Ox to pick up the pieces he left behind. When Ox was twenty-three, a monster came to town and brought murder in his wake. When Ox was seventeen, he found out the the Bennetts’s secret and was introduced to world of Alpha, Beta, Omega, a world of red, orange and violet. With them, he truly found himself, and a family. The Bennetts took Ox in and treated him as one of their own. and Ox found out that, until that day, Joe hadn’t spoken for almost two years. When Ox was sixteen, he met Joe, who’s family was moving into the house at the end of the lane. So Ox started working at the local mechanic’s store and built a small, happy life for himself. When Ox was twelve, his daddy taught him that he wasn’t worth anything and that no one would understand him. Wolfsong is a story about loyalty, love, making your own family, and writing your own destiny. When I started reading it, I was blown away by the intricate and unique fantasy world T.J. It seemed like everyone on Goodreads was reading – and loving – this novel and I wanted to jump on the bandwagon, especially when I found it was m/m. Because even if you couldn’t hear me when I called for you, the howl in my heart was always meant for you.”įor a few months, I was seeing Wolfsong everywhere. Ma ora quel ragazzo è un uomo e Ox non può più ignorare il canto che ulula tra di loro.“There was never anyone else the entire time I was gone.

wolfsong klune

Sono trascorsi tre anni da quel fatidico giorno… e il ragazzo è tornato. Il ragazzo rincorse il mostro con lo sguardo assetato di vendetta, lasciando Ox a raccogliere i cocci. Ox aveva ventitré anni il giorno in cui la morte arrivò in città, scavandogli un vuoto nella testa e nel cuore.

wolfsong klune

Ox aveva diciassette anni quando scoprì il segreto del ragazzo e il mondo attorno a lui si dipinse di rosso, arancione e viola, di alfa, beta e omega. Soltanto in seguito scoprì che il ragazzo non aveva aperto bocca per quasi due anni prima di quel giorno e che viveva con la famiglia che si era trasferita nell’abitazione in fondo al sentiero.

wolfsong klune

Il ragazzo che parlava, parlava e parlava. Ox aveva sedici anni quando incontrò un ragazzo sulla strada verso casa. Gli disse che non valeva niente e che la gente non lo avrebbe mai compreso. Ox aveva dodici anni quando suo padre gli impartì una lezione davvero importante.

Wolfsong klune